2021-06-07-MD Backup

Society for the Propagation of the Faith

Become a Monthly Donor: Join the Cardinal Cushing Club

Aspire not to have more, but to be more.

Saint Oscar Romero, National Director 1974-78

Pontifical Mission Societies, El Salvador


Your recurring gift can be like the Biblical loaves and fishes in the hands of missionaries—a true miracle to those in need.

Here’s how you can be more for people in the missions:

Sample 3

  • ✟ $250 Begins construction of new clean water wells at schools.
    Students will celebrate YOU when they don’t have to walk miles for water.

Sample 2

✟ $250 Begins construction of new clean water wells at schools.
Students will celebrate YOU when they don’t have to walk miles for water. 

Sample 1

✟ $250

Begins construction of new clean water wells at schools.
Students will celebrate YOU when they don’t have to walk miles for water. 

Join Today
✟ $100

Gives 5 children born with a club foot corrective surgery.
The smiles YOU bring to the young ones as they play are priceless.

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✟ $50

Blesses two lay catechists with bicycles to ride the many miles to mission outposts.
Imagine – an army of catechists teaching the faith because of YOUR gift!

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✟ $25 A month provides a mission priest a year’s supply of hosts and wine for parish Liturgies.
Because of YOU, Mass is celebrated in mountain villages
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✟ $5

Feeds 20 children a nutritious meal.
YOUR help keeps little ones from going

Join Today!
