Become a Monthly Donor

The Society for the Propagation of the Faith

Become a Monthly Donor: Join the Cardinal Cushing Club

Aspire not to have more, but to be more.

Saint Oscar Romero, National Director 1974-78

Pontifical Mission Societies, El Salvador


Your recurring gift can be like the Biblical loaves and fishes in the hands of missionaries—a true miracle to those in need.

Here’s how you can be more for people in the missions:

  • $ 500

  • Mission chapels are made from local mud bricks and timbers.

    Will YOU help parishioners put a metal roof and cement altar in place, too?

  • $ 100

  • Some children in the missions are born needing corrective surgery.

    Will YOU bring them much needed healthcare?

  • $ 25

  • Priests in the missions have little income.

    Will YOU help them pay for hosts and wine to bring the Eucharist to their people?

  • $ 250

  • Many people in the missions walk miles to get water.

    Will YOU help bring clean water to them to improve their health and safety?

  • $ 50

  • Lay catechists bring faith formation to distant outposts every week.

    Will YOU bless them with bicycles so they can ride the many miles?

  • $ 5

  • Missionaries often provide the only nutritious daily meal on which people can rely.

    Will YOU help feed the hungry?



I grew up in West Africa. We built our own rural outpost chapels from homemade bricks. Villagers supplied local labor, and pooled funds for nails, iron rods, and cement. Since becoming a successful US citizen, my $500 monthly gift is my way of thanking God for my blessings and passing them on to others.

– Charles, Saint Paul, Cambridge


Charles knows the struggles of missionaries who bring our faith to a new village. By donating $500 a month, Charles makes it possible for a new chapel to be built in the missions every year. 

Recently, a new parishioner joined my prayer group. She is from a mission country and told us how far she would walk to get water. It was eye-opening! Every month, I give $250 and pray for people who walk for their water.

– John, Saint Michael Parish, Hudson


John realized that he could change a village by helping to provide clean water. Every 2 years, he makes a water system possible with his $250 monthly gift.

I met Cardinal Cushing and was his driver once! He told me he had two loves: special needs children and the missions. As a Monthly Donor, I’m a proud member of the Cardinal Cushing Club! I give $100 in honor of a man I admired and the causes he loved!

– Anne, Saint Columbkille Parish, Brighton


Anne met the Cardinal over 60 years ago! Since then, she has increased her monthly gift as often as she can to its current $100. In the last few years, Anne has made it possible for hundreds of special needs to children to live a full life!

My Faith Formation students sit in well-equipped classrooms. When I heard a missionary speak about holding classes outside, I knew I could make a difference in the faith lives of more students than the ones in front of me. $50 a month seems a small price to pay to bring more people to Christ!

– Sarah, Saint Thomas Aquinas Parish, Bridgewater


As a new donor, Sarah’s $50 a month has already supplied Bibles to 600 students in the missions!

As a convert to Catholicism, I know that I was lucky to have such a clear path to the sacraments at my local parish. I give $25 every month to the Propagation so that people in the missions can have better access to the sacraments that I’ve come to treasure.

– Bill, Saint Christine Parish, Marshfield


Every month, Bill’s $25 gift fills the fuel tank of a priest in the missions. Without it, Father could not bring the sacraments to his 4,000 parishioners in 12 different locations!

I’ve been a monthly donor to the Propagation for 40 years! My husband and I started sending $5 in an envelope and never stopped. If we miss a month, we make it up!

– Jeanne, Saint John Parish, Chelmsford


In 40 years, Jeanne has fed the equivalent of almost 10,000 children in the missions by donating $5 a month.