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The Society for the Propagation of the Faith

World Mission Sunday is a Day to Celebrate!

Because our Church is universal, Mass is celebrated in many different languages every day. When we gather around our different altars, we speak a common language – one of love and mercy.


On World Mission Sunday, in all the churches of the world – from the grandest of cathedrals to the smallest mission outpost – this common language will be used as we celebrate the missionary work of the Church


Every year we remember our shared baptismal call to mission as we celebrate World Mission Sunday. On that Sunday, we gather for the Eucharist, in a spirit of love and caring for those in need so that, through our prayers and concrete acts of solidarity, the gift of faith may be shared with all. 


This year's theme, set by Pope Francis, is: Hearts on Fire, Feet on the Move. (Luke 24:13-35)

Read the Holy Father's full message to the faithful here.