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Seminary Scholarship Fund

Currently, there are over 100,000 young men in the missions who have said a resounding “YES!” to God’s call to the priesthood. The number could be greater but for the lack of funding. 


Very often, a family and the diocese in which they live cannot afford the fees to send their sons to the seminary. The Society of St. Peter Apostle steps in with a $700 scholarship for as many as the buildings will hold. In some places, the amount may cover only half of the tuition.

Father Alex Okello of Jinja, Uganda is a success story because of these scholarships.


Father knew from the time he was a young boy that God was calling him from his rural village to be a priest. With this goal in his heart, he excelled in school, passing three written tests that would qualify him for the interview that would allow him to take an entrance exam! When he finally received notification of his acceptance, he proudly showed the paper to his father, explaining that he now only needed to present himself at the school and he would be on his way to study for the priesthood!


Sadly, his father shook his head. He did not have the fifty cents needed for young Alex to take a bus ride to the seminary; Alex’s dream would have to wait.


Fr. Alex said, “But, didn’t God give me two good feet? So, I set out to walk there, never having been to the city. Some kind people gave me directions and I made it! It took only minutes for the secretary to accept me and give me the list of all that I would need for the term – books, paper, pencils, shoes…SHOES! Thanks be to God! I would finally get a pair of shoes!”


                  Yes, Father Alex had walked 25 miles, knowing he had to make the return trip, barefoot!


                                                     Nothing less than his “Yes!” to God was at stake.

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