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Pray for the Missions

Our two patron Saints prove the truth of this statement by Saint John Paul II:

“Some people give to the missions by going, others go to the missions by giving. Without both, there are no missions.”


One way to establish a strong bond with the missions is to go back to the beginning – learn from our Founder, Pauline Jaricot. Ask friends, family, or fellow parishioners as she did to join you in a regular “Prayer Circle” for the missions. 

You supply the people and we’ll supply the regular prayers! Use your own prayers or say the rosary. Form a Prayer Circle for the Missions in your parish today – missionaries are standing by!

For more information, email info@propfaitboston.org 




One of the prayers we recommend can be found here each month. Pope Francis has monthly specific intentions for which he asks us to pray. 

The Holy Father also creates a video reflection about this intention every month. We invite you to watch and pray with Pope Francis as he touches on many of the world’s troubles that need all our prayers.

Missionaries count on us to sacrifice our time, talent, and treasure every day in order to bring God’s love to everyone they meet.

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