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The Society for the Propagation of the Faith

Planned Giving and Legacies

There are many ways to give to the missions. 


By making bequests and other planned gifts, you help the Pontifical Mission Societies in the vital work of building faith communities for the laity, clergy, and religious in the young mission Church.


Every gift is important - planned charitable giving is for everyone!

Help the Missions and Reduce Your Yearly Tax Obligation!


Are you 70.5 years of age and have an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) which requires you to take an annual taxable distribution? If so, did you know that you can make a tax-free charitable donation to any of the four Pontifical Mission Societies directly from your IRA? This allows you to give a tax-free gift to the missions, lower your gross income for the year, and claim the contribution in your tax return the next year – a win for you and the missions!


Your benefits may vary due to your personal tax situation. Please contact your financial or tax adviser for details.

To make a gift directly to the missions from your IRA, contact us at or 617-542-1776.

We invite you to have a conversation with us about our legacy program. After you have made plans for your loved ones, please pray about making a lasting gift to the missions. Talk to your estate planner and contact us to understand the long-term effects your gift can make in the missions.

ANCHOR. Name: donate


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