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Building Church Communities

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Sister Stan Therese Mumuni runs the Nazareth Home for God’s Children in Yendi, Ghana. She cares for almost a hundred children, most with some level of physical or mental challenge. In the local custom, people associate anyone with a disability as having an “evil spirit.” If it is seen at birth, the babies are considered “spirit children” and a bad omen. This includes twins, like the beautiful boys pictured with Sister. Being born two at a time was enough to see the little ones rejected by their family and their village and abandoned.


With help from The Propagation of the Faith, Sister Stan has saved their lives. They will have a chance to grow up in safety and security and be educated in faith and love.

This specially trained lay catechist, Joseph, and his wife, Robin. serve a tiny Catholic community that is too far away from any local parish. Making their own mud bricks, parishioners built a small chapel. Joseph and Robin visit weekly when a priest cannot. They bring faith formation for children and adults and run Liturgy of the Word services. Until Joseph received a bicycle purchased with a $200 donation from a Boston donor to The Propagation of the Faith, they walked the 13-mile round trip to the outpost each week. Joseph says he thanks God with every push of the pedal for The Propagation of the Faith.

The heart of our faith is the Eucharist. With help from The Propagation of the Faith, all the sacraments are brought to an area of Papua New Guinea that did not know Christ until about 60 years ago. The locals will continue to embrace their own culture, especially while celebrating special events like this boy’s First Holy Communion, while learning how much God loves them. 

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